Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Well Deserved Break...

I cleaned the apartments. I shut up the shutters. I said my good-byes. I packed The Dog into the AUDI and we made tracks back to Genoa. On Tuesday, I will climb aboard Lufthansa for Thanksgiving in North Carolina. Codiponte, il Poggiolo, Our Geometra, the builder, the electricians & others will be temporarily replaced with becoming a couch-potato on Turkey-day... and, Thank God, that it lasts only a day... going out to dinner & movie with My Mom... I got all excited about Meryl Streep's new flick, The Iron Lady, only to discover that I will have to wait until 2012 to see it!!! Maybe later since I'm in Italy... and, basically, kicking around to forget the dreadful events of Phase III. I need healing. I need to re-charge my batteries. I need something else to do!!!... please. Gads.


  1. How about...l'azzurro granalo?
    The Sky Blue Barn. Is that correct or am I way off?

  2. Sky Blue Barn ain't bad. Thanks. Certainly is shorter than Appartmanto Azzurro!!!
